Roger Duarte @Steinberg


Joined on 4/21/09

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Ya know, nowadays on Newgrounds it doesn't really matter with art quality anymore, but the actual entertainment it delivers. See "Pokemon but with Animals" on Newgrounds and you'll see.

Well I guess it all depends, some people may be good with jokes and not be able to draw properly, and I think not allowing those people to share their creations because of aesthetics is a little harsh, specially if they try hard and are learning. The other way around, there are people who can create amazing flashy jaw dropping stuff that makes you go WOAAHHH without even having a story. But in the end people will always prefer the animation that have both captivating story and good graphics. The real artists will always have their space and be recognized in the end. And if you are too good in one thing and bad in the other, you can always colaborate too.

It all depends on how you wanna come across MAM.

If you want to be recognized for the art and quality. You put a lot of effort into it.
You want to get quick cheap laughs like the million other ones out there, you just gotta have good jokes.

I still prefer to see quality art with an actual meaning.

If you're going to base your works on such shite like "Pokemon with animals" then you're in the wrong business my friend.

Go look at egoraptor or something.

Yes, no one wants to see lazy stuff, sometimes something looks bad but we can appreciate when that's the best the artist can do... But when it's being deliberatedly lazy just to release the thing ultra fast it turns me a little off (unless the bad looks are part of the joke).
Of course stuff like Tarboy, which can deliver good entertainment and looks amazing, will always come first place in our hearts.
That said, I guess everyone take shortcuts one time or another.

Nothing compares to the feeling of having al the preproduction done (storyboard, backgrounds, VA, etc) before you start animating or cleaning. Animation its a hell if you dont plann your work wisely (I am almost all the time in this place)

Hahaha yeah, sometimes I spend hours thinking what I should do next, it's like there's some major force preventing me for doing anything, but rarely happens if I have animatics or storyboards. Well, it may happen while I'm doing the animatic but not so frequently since it's all raw and you don't need to get it right at the first try, and after that the flow is great.

Useful tip!

I'm glad that helps.

Thanks a lot, man had no idea about that 80/20 rule, I think it is true, because I work very slowly, very very slowly. And I should learn some tricks to work faster, because I got a lot of unfinished works, and talking about animations, uhh I never understand how so many artists make one animation per week, I think it would take me months.

Well... I've read my post again and noticed I kinda haven't explained very well how to use this rule and ended up talking about something else more.
If you need more info you can go to sites like lifehacker, it's pretty swell.

The best part of it is that it can be applied to anything so you can try to reduce some other life tasks in order to have more time to animate.

Since I've read some articles about organization and productivity I'm a lot more efficient, I can manage my time and energy more, and also the articles are interesting to read even when I don't apply them.

That said, releasing one animation per week is still too much for me.

The shitiest animation I've ever made just in terms of animation quality and not story or voice was a cartoon called "Son, Ya Done."
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/572578">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /572578</a>
But Tom Fulp liked it and he added it to the front page, where it received very polarizing (but generally positive) reviews. Many people considered the movie to be "so bad it's hilarious." The thing is though, I had produced much more polished cartoons. The reason I animated it so quickly was because I didn't want to spend so much time on it that it would stop being funny to me. It's because Son Ya Done was animated so hastily that I still find it interesting today and it's my favorite cartoon of mine.
Honestly, I don't consider myself and artist. I'm an entertainer. If I can entertain people, it doesn't matter what else the cartoon is.

As for Productivity tricks: I recommend downloading shitloads of podcasts. There's a fantastic selection, and they're usually free! Listening to some of those makes the work fly by.

Hahah yeah I watched that when it was frontpaged and loved it, I completely understood what you did there at the time and it was clear it was more like an improvised quick thing, more for fun than anything else, and that is completely fine and worked very well, there was absolutely no need for fancy stuff there to make it awesome.

(In fact I just rewatched it and it is still awesome)

About the podcasts, I guess it's a good idea, I'll give it a try and download a few, also I used to listen to wisenheimers when it was on but since I listened to it live I used to go in the chat and stay there most of the night, now that the show is over I should listen to it again without the temptation of the chat.

Hm. Thanks for the advice, I'll try that next time I start working on my projects.
(There not flash projects, there mods.)

Nice! :)