Hey newgrounds... I've been months away... Basically because I'm a crying little baby...
I'm just writing to apologize not replying the reviews and PM's for months... I'm getting better now...
I wanted to do a halloween thingy but I don't think I'll have enough time...
In other news, I made a shitty gamegrumps animation in a day, to distract myself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qonFUhkoA4g&featu re=plcp
It's too shit for newgrounds.
I'm rusty as hell, gotta get back in action soon.
Anyways... Just letting the 5 people who remembers me know I'm still here...
See ya. Thanks for being awesome as always.
Just upload it here you fagget
Steinberg (Updated )
Newgrounds deserves better stuff! ;)