Awesome job, Yotam!
I always found amusing those youtube videos made by kids with mumbled voices and horrible editing that uses windows movie maker and lame fonts and whatever. Whenever I want to look for some tutorial I stumble across one of those. This kid doesn't mumble but he is awkward so it captures the same idea.
Usually kids have no buying power or any idea of what they are talking about so I like how all he review is only the one thing he has, even on those thumbnails at the end.
It's also awesome how he credits his family in the end as if it was some big production and as if he only knows his own family or as if he wants to makes the credits longer or whatever, looks like the things I would do as a kid, of course there was no youtube back then but this really captures what a kid would do.
SO, all in all, captured what you wanted to capture, and managed to be entertaining and funny, great job!